Welcome to VHLab

Virtual Humans Simulation Laboratory



Virtual Humans Simulation Laboratory

VHLab is created by Prof. Soraia Raupp Musse, who supervises Posdoc, PhD, master and Undergraduate students.

We work with Virtual Human simulation; Crowds and big populations; visual perception; facial analysis and animation and all interesting problems integrating graphics and image.

Welcome to VHLab!


Happy People


Ongoing Projects


Amazing Papers


Awards Won

Our Team

Meet the VHLab's team, the folks who make the science happen!

Soraia Raupp Musse
Prof. Soraia Raupp Musse

Lab Founder and Director. Computer Graphics and Computer Vision including virtual humans.

Paulo Knob
D.Sc. Paulo Knob

Postdoc Researchers. Cultural Crowds and Embodied Conversational Agents.

Andre Da Silva Antonitsch
M.Sc. Andre Da Silva Antonitsch

Collaborator. Crowd simulation.

Diogo Hartmann Muller Schaffer
B.Sc. Diogo Hartmann Muller Schaffer

Collaborator. Crowd Simulation and Visualization.

Rodolfo Migon Favaretto
D.Sc. Rodolfo Migon Favaretto

Collaborator. Computer Vision, personalty and cultural aspects.

Vinicius Cassol
D.Sc. Vinicius Cassol

Collaborator. Computer Graphics and Computer Vision applications.

Estêvão Smania Testa
M.Sc. Estêvão Smania Testa

Doctoral Student. Computer Graphics, Crowd simulation

Gabriel Fonseca Silva
M.Sc. Gabriel Fonseca Silva

Doctoral Student. Crowd Simulation, Virtual Environments and Visualization.

Greice Pinho Dal Molin
M.Sc. Greice Pinho Dal Molin

Doctoral Student. Affective analysis in image.

Júlia Kubiak Melgaré
B.Sc. Júlia Kubiak Melgaré

Doctoral Student. Computer Vision and Emotion/Expression Recognition.

Victor Flávio de Andrade Araujo
M.Sc. Victor Flávio de Andrade Araujo

Doctoral Student. Perception of Virtual Humans

Vitor Miguel Xavier Peres
M.Sc. Vitor Miguel Xavier Peres

Doctoral Student. Facial Expression Recognition

Roberto Rosa dos Santos
B.Sc. Roberto Rosa dos Santos

Master Student. Virtual human tracking.

Ana Carolina Policarpo Schmitt
B.Sc. Ana Carolina Policarpo Schmitt

Undergraduate Student. Virtual Humans Perception

Andriele Barcé Lange
B.Sc. Andriele Barcé Lange

Undergraduate Student. Gamification, Computer graphics, computer vision

Gabriel Ferri Schneider
B.Sc. Gabriel Ferri Schneider

Undergraduate Student. Virtual Human Perception

Giovana Nascimento Raupp
B.Sc. Giovana Nascimento Raupp

Undergraduate Student. Crowd Simulation

Rubens Halbig Montanha
B.Sc. Rubens Halbig Montanha

Undergraduate Student. Crowd Simulation and Virtual Humans Animation


Meet some of our projects!

Crowd Modeling and Simulation

This project aims to develop new methods in crowd simulation, using as basis the two softwares developed at VHLAB: CrowdSim and BioCrowds.

Projeto FACES

This project aims to investigate real human faces to find out faces styles, to classify spontaneous expressions and etc.

Visual Perception

This project aims to understand how people perceives virtual humans

ADA Project

Furthering our goal to increase female participation in Computer Science, the Ada Project currently has 17 girls who are pursuing the undergraduate course in Computer Science. Five of them are already working in Tech Companies. The other 12 girls are studying and developing research in the Graduate Course in Computer Science at PUCRS.


WebCrowds is an authoring tool for crowd simulation which can be used by anyone to build environments and simulate the movement of agents. This tool allows users to build environments placing agents, obstacles, and goals in the scene. Since the simulation is executed on a Server, users can access WebCrowds even with lower-performance computers.

Arthur and Bella - Embodied Conversational Agent

Arthur and Bella are embodied conversational agents. In addition to being able to talk to a person, they can recognize the person and improve communication with the user, also using his artificial memory, which stores and retrieves data about events and facts, based on a human memory model.


See some of our datasets!


BioCrowds is a tool for crowd simulation based on a biologically motivated space colonization algorithm. Interested about having the Unity source code for BioCrowds? Send an email to: soraia.musse@pucrs.br

Cultural Crowds Dataset

Cultural Crowds is a project which aims to investigate cultural aspects on crowd behaviors. This dataset keeps crowded scenes from different countries. If you happen to use the Cultural Crowds dataset, please refer to the following paper. Interested about having the Cultural Crowds Dataset? Send an email to: soraia.musse@pucrs.br




(+55) 51 33203611 ext. 8609


Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Building 32 - Room 609

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil - 90619-900

